What Is the Christian Chiropractors Association

Just as the National Association of Chiropractors seeks to promote and lobby issues and concerns of chiropractic practitioners, the Christian Chiropractors Association does the same. The difference is that this association is a place of fellowship for practitioners of spinal manipulation.

If you are a chiropractor who also happens to be Christian then you might want to be a part of the Christian Chiropractors Association. Not only will it help you to meet professionals in the same field who have the same faith, it will also help you to better apply your faith in everyday life.

New Age Definition

For some chiropractor practitioners you may find some conflict with your profession and therapies that are referred to as ‘new age’. Many new age therapies employ practices that are not in keeping with a Christian way of life. Some people have defined chiropractors as practitioners of a new age therapy. This can be troubling to anyone who would like to practice both their faith and their profession without conflict.

The Christian Chiropractors Association has clear guidelines as to what constitutes new age therapy. These guidelines can help chiropractors to conduct their businesses in a way that does not lead them away from their faith. With these guidelines in place it perfectly possible to be a chiropractor and a Christian.


If you would like to contribute to mission work but do not feel as if you have been presented with the right opportunity then the Christian Chiropractors Association may be what you are looking for. The Christian Chiropractors Association carries out mission work both domestically and internationally to spread the word of God. For those who cannot be away for long periods of time there are short term missions that will allow you to perform missionary work without being away from family for too long.


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The Christian Chiropractors Association also has assurances for patients seeking spinal manipulation treatment. Some patients may have hesitated about seeking treatment from a chiropractor due to its new age connotations. Being able to go to a chiropractor who is a member of the Christian Chiropractors Association means that a patient is receiving spiritually neutral treatment.


Anyone wishing to be a chiropractor can also find a list of colleges approved by the Christian Chiropractors Association. These colleges may not be faith based but they provide training that will allow a chiropractor to learn techniques that do not conflict with his or her values and upbringing.

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